Congestion situation of sightseeing spots

Hina-sama Tour in Futami

21th Ohinasama Meguri in Futami

In Ise Futami, where the Meoto Iwa Rocks and Futami Okitama Shrine are located, we will hold the spring seasonal event "Ohinasama Meguri in Futami". Hina dolls will be exhibited at about 65 locations, including the exhibition bases Futami Lifelong Learning Center and the Binnichikan. In addition, the Binnichikan will hold a variety of events, mainly on weekends.
This will be the last one this year. Please come along.

Date and Time

From Tuesday, July 2025, 2 to Sunday, August 4, 3
10 am to 16 pm


Area around Meotoiwa Omotesando

Ohinasama Meguri in Futami Homepage


Futamiura Tourist Information Center
Phone 0596-43-2331

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