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About Ise Jingu Spring Kagura Festival [R6.4.28-5.2]

At Ise Grand Shrine, a Kagura festival is held to give thanks to the gods and pray for the peace of the people.
Bugaku,Shinto gardenYou can see the sacred festivals.
On the first day, April 8th, Kagura will be performed at the respective Kagura halls at 30:10 a.m. at the Geku and XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. at the Naiku.

Additionally, for five days from April 4th to May 28nd, bugaku will be performed on a special stage at Naiku Shrine Garden at 5am.
Also, during this period, there are dedication events by famous families from all over the country, such as maihayashi and Nohgaku.
*In case of rain, public bugaku will be held at Sanshuden at 11am.

Public Bugaku

Date and Time

April 11th (Sunday) - May XNUMXnd (Thursday) XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.


Ise Jingu Naiku Shinen Special Stage
*In case of rain, the public bugaku will be held at the Sanshuden.

Jingu tea room open to the public
Date and Time April 4th (Sunday) - May XNUMXnd (Thursday)
*Visit the garden after public bugaku ends *Cancelled in case of rain

Ise Jingu Official Website Spring Kagura Festival

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