Congestion situation of sightseeing spots

Tagamiya (Toyore Daijingu Annex)

  • Geku area
  • Temple/Shrine

Toyokedai Jingu Bekkyu and Tagamiya are located within the area of ​​the outer shrine.The deity is the soul of Toyoke Omikami, and is ranked first among the four annexes belonging to the outer shrine.Each festival held at the Jingu will be served following the main shrine.It was also written as "Takamiya" before the Meiji era, probably because it was settled in a high place on the hill, so Tagamiya is read as "Takamiya" without being muddy as "Taga".Since you will climb 98 stone steps to Taga-no-miya, there is a small stone-paved place of worship in front of the approach leading to Bekkyu so that people with weak legs can worship.

Worshiping time

January-April   5:00-18:00
May-August   5:00-19:00
September   5:00-18:00
October-December   5:00-17:00

279 Toyokawa-cho, Ise City, Mie Prefecture
0596-24-1111 (Jingu Shrine)
Closing days
About 5 minutes on foot from Kintetsu / JR Iseshi Station, XNUMX minutes on foot from Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station.
WEB site

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